Guvernul a aprobat vineri, 10 ianuarie, crearea unei punți și a unei minivacanțe de 1 mai pentru angajații din sectorul public. Astfel, ziua de vineri, 2 mai, devine liberă pentru bugetari, înainte primului scrutin al alegerilor prezidențiale, programat pentru duminică, 5 mai.
The article announces that the Romanian government has approved a public holiday for budget workers on Friday, May 2nd, 2025. This creates a long weekend leading into the first presidential election vote on Sunday, May 5th.
The main conceptual idea is that the government is using this "minivacanta" to benefit budget workers with an extra day off right before a crucial political event. This might be seen as an attempt to boost voter turnout among the public sector, as many budget workers will likely have more time to travel and participate in the elections.
The article announces that the Romanian government has approved a public holiday for budget workers on Friday, May 2nd, 2025. This creates a long weekend leading into the first presidential election vote on Sunday, May 5th. The main conceptual idea is that the government is using this "minivacanta" to benefit budget workers with an extra day off right before a crucial political event. This might be seen as an attempt to boost voter turnout among the public sector, as many budget workers will likely have more time to travel and participate in the elections.